29 April 2006

In Case You Are Worrying...

... that I am growing up too fast I give you this picture for perspective. I am still pretty small compared with Dax. She's fun to be with too.

26 April 2006

Maxin' & Relaxin'

I love these jeans they make me feel so grown up and lookin' cool.

22 April 2006

A Shameless Plug...

Nothing says advertising like children (or puppies) but I just couldn't resist directing you to Mom and Dad's favourite newsstand. Dad used to work at Atlantic News and he still misses it because the people there are great!

20 April 2006

Angelic Face

With my Gran's dress and this beautiful cross I feel like quite the medieval princess.

What Fun! What Fun!

The members of the parish threw a wonderful party after the Easter Vigil in honour of my baptism. The cake was the largest I have ever seen! Mom said that it was really good too but I wasn't allowed to have any, for fear that I might get some on my beautiful dress. Oh well.

It was really fun to see so many people laughing, eating and enjoying themselves! And I was passed around to all my "Aunties" so that they could fawn over me.

19 April 2006

Shoes Make The Outfit

Of course it wouldn't be much of an outfit if you didn't have shoes to match. These are the shoes that my Gran made for my baptismal gown.

17 April 2006

Baptism at the Easter Vigil

Here I am all dressed up and newly baptized into the household of faith. My Grandad, Gram, and Grandnan came from Sydney Forks. And my Grampy & Nanny came from Kennectook. Also in attendance was most of the Parish of Neil's Harbour with Ingonish! The service was held at St. John's Church, Ingonish. Dad poured water on my head and anointed me with holy oil. It was kind of fun! But a bit exhausting!

Here is a beter picture of the lovely baptismal gown that my Gran made for me:

Also in attendance were both of my godmothers: "Aunt" Chris & "Aunt" Brenda. My Grandad was a proxy for my godfather, "Uncle" Ian - He had to preside at the Easter Vigil in his own parish, and I missed him.

More pictures will follow in the days ahead, so check back soon.

12 April 2006

Travel PotD

Here I am with "Aunt" Jennifer and "Uncle" Glen. They have been really good friends to my Mom and Dad over the years and I really enjoyed meeting them. Sadly, they are moving away soon - all the way to a place called Saskatchewan - but I am sure that Mom and Dad will be taking me for another road trip and we will visit with them in their new home.

11 April 2006

My First Bishop

Here I am meeting my very first bishop this is the Right Reverend Susan Moxley, and I met her while I was in Halifax. I like the big shiny thing haning around her neck.

I also met the Rt. Rev. Fred Hiltz but Dad forgot his camera so he missed taking the picture of me spitting up on a bishop... oh well.

10 April 2006

So Many New People...

When you go to a big city you get to do two great things:
  1. Go to fantastic restaurants
  2. Meet New and interesting people
Here I am with my new friend "Uncle" Patrick at a favourite hangout of his where they eat the strangest food called a "peanut butter burger." I'm not sure what that is but I'm pretty sure you have to be older to enjoy it.

09 April 2006

Aunt & Uncle

I met my Aunt Karen
and my Uncle Tom this week while I was on my great adventure to places far and wide.

08 April 2006

Nanny & Grampy

I met my Nanny (Faye) and my Grampy (Tom) this week. And I got to sit in the very same chair that my Mom sat in when she was my age!

07 April 2006


Ok, I just got in from my first real trip away. As Samwise Gamgee would say, "It was the farthest away from home I have ever been." I went to far off places like Kennetcook, Mahone Bay, Halifax and Dartmouth. I met two Archbishops, two Bishops, about 100 priests, a Grampy, a Nanny, an Aunt, and an Uncle. All in all it was one long, tiring trip and this is how I feel now:

It's hard work being this cute!

In the days to come we will be posting some of the pictures that Dad took but for now, I need some sleep... yawn... night, night.

04 April 2006

A New Duck!

My "Aunt" Heather, from Calgary sent me this great new duck! I immediately fell in love with it, so much so that as soon as this picture was taken I threw up all over it! As Heather said when I told her this story, "Puke is the way baby's say, 'I like you'."

02 April 2006

Happy Birthday Gran!

Today is my Gran's birthday! She dotes upon me something terrible but then that is a Gran's duty, isn't it?

Happy Birthday Gran! I hope Grandad treats you to something nice for supper.
Love, Magdalene